Organic farming

Organic farming, an agricultural system based on the control of environmental pests and the use of organic fertilizers derived from a large number of animal and plant wastes and nitrogen-fixing primary crops. In traditional agriculture, modern organic farming was developed in response to the environmental damage caused by the use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, and the environmental benefits have been greatly benefited. Organic farming includes aggregate production systems that avoid the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms, thus minimizing their harmful effects on the environment. Organic farming focuses on the limitless usage of locally manufactured products and local products and local wisdom. It doesn't exclude the requirement and demand for external fertilizers for crop production and management. Organic farming can also be called as "organic agriculture".

The concept of organic farming was presented by Sir Albert Howard, F.H. King, Rudolf Steiner, and others in1900s. They believed that the use of animal manure (often produced as manure), crops, plant growth regulators, antibiotics for livestock, food additives and genetically modified organisms, crop rotation, and the use of bio-based pest control have resulted in improved agricultural systems.

What does organic farming mean?
As defined by the United States Department of Agriculture USDA, the term organic farming refers to '' organic farming is a system that mostly avoids or excludes the use of artificial inputs (such as pesticides, fertilizers, hormones, additives for feed, etc.) and to the greatest extent possible, it will depend on crop rotation, crop residues, animal manure, off-farm organic waste, mineral grade rock additives, and biological nutrient mobilization system and protection of plants.

Organic farming mainly depends upon:
  • Crop rotations
  • Use of crop residues
  • Animal manures
  • Legumes
  • Green manures
  • Off-farm organic wastes
  • Mechanical Cultivation
  • Biofertilizers
  • Mineral bearing rocks
  • Control of insects, weeds, and other pests.
  • Increase genetic diversity.
  • Promote more usage of natural pesticides.
  • Make sure the soil is planted at the right time.
  • Maintain good soil structure and fertility.
  • Control pests, diseases, and weeds.
  • Protection of public health, animal, food security, and the environment.
  • Financial viability of farming.
  • Social justice and well being of rural communities.
  • Production of quality, safe food.
The Principles of Organic Farming were established in September 2005 by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). Those are the aspirations of organic farming. The Principles were approved on September 25, 2005, by the General Assembly of IFOAM.
The four Principles of Organic Farming are:
  • Organic farming should sustain and improve the health of animals, plants, soil, and humans as one and indivisible.
  • Organic farming should be based on living ecosystems and cycles, work with them, imitate them, and help maintain them.
  • Organic farming should promote relationships that ensure fairness to the environment and the way of life.
  • Organic farming must be handled with care and responsibility to protect the health and well-being of current and future generations and the environment.
Types of organic farming

1. Pure organic farming
  • This includes the use of organic fertilizers and biopesticides with complete avoidance of organic chemicals and pesticides.
2. Integrated organic farming
  • This includes integrated nutrient management and integrated pest management.
  • It is a type of farming that has the value of complete nutrition with the development of crops derived from natural resources and manages to control the crop or plants from pests.
3. Integration of different organic systems
  • The integration of different farming systems includes many other farming components such as poultry, mushroom production, goat rearing, and fish pounds at the same time with regular crop components.
Advantages of organic farming:
  • Provides long-term advantages to people and the environment.
  • Helps maintain environmental health by reducing pollution levels.
  • Creates healthy soil and helps combat erosion.
  • Helps to keep agricultural production at a sustainable level.
  • Ensures maximum use of natural resources for short-term benefit and helps protect them for future generations.
  • Combat the effects of global warming.
  • Not only saves energy for both animals and machines but also reduces the risk of crop failure.
  • Improves the physical properties of the soil such as granular, good tilth, good aeration, easy root penetration, and water retention ability, and reduces erosion.
  • Discourages algal blooms and encourages biodiversity.
  • Improves soil chemical properties such as soil nutrient supply and retention, reduces nutrient loss in aquatic bodies and the environment and promotes favorable chemical reactions.
Disadvantages of organic farming:
  • More work is needed to prepare the goods that are ready for sale.
  • Don't use windbreakers to protect soil and land space.
  • There are unique marketing challenges in place for organic products.
  • Crops can be infected with pests and weeds by modifying their genes.
  • Competing with organic farming usually costs more
  • Fewer employees are needed.
  • Organic crops usually deteriorate rapidly.
  • Minor problems can be solved very quickly while it takes time, money, and time to solve the organic farming problems of an organic farmer.
  • In organic farming, production is low, especially during the first few years, so farmers should be given premium prices for organic produce.
  • The marketing of organic produce is also not smooth.
  • The guidelines for organic production, processing, transportation, and certification are beyond the comprehension of ordinary farmers.
  • Organic fertilizers are not available in large quantities and can be much more expensive than chemical fertilizers if organic inputs are purchased based on plant nutrition.

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