Crop Production Management


Crop Production Management

It’s the production of crops a very easy practice. Just buy a piece of land and begin farming. A small land can give me the yield of a big one. For example, two men who are farmers, the first one A has two hectares of a flat while the other B has four hectares of land. The farmer A invests in a tractor, fertilizers, and many other types of equipment. The later has land but cannot afford to buy any of these types of equipment. What would be the resulting yield? Farmer A had a higher quantity of crop produced even in a small piece of land. Farmer B did not have the finances to help him make a profitable harvest. This example tells us that the inputs in farming are directly related to the yield of the land. Does the higher the cost of production better the yield. When a farmer has an ability to purchase high-end technological equipment, his cropping system varies and he can earn more from its land. Based on this monetary aspect of farming there are three different types of production in farming:

  • A production based on no cost at all. This is when a farmer does not invest in any equipment of farming paraphernalia to better his production
  • Second would be the low-cost production.
  • The third is the high-cost production.

What are the things that characterized this kind of production? On which level does the farmer need to invest to enhance his yield. Three main components need to be taken into consideration while talking about crop production management:

1. Nutrient management
2. Irrigation of the farms
3. Cropping patterns.

Nutrient Management

 We all require food for growth and survival. We also choose food items we need the most to eat those nutrients which our body lacks. Similarly, plants do need a variety of nutrients. They generally need about 16 nutrients in all. The question is from where plants get these nutrients.  Plants are in contact with the air, water, and soil. It must be varying places that provide them with nutrients. If that is so what nutrients do you think air will provide plants with. We know that plants require both Oxygen and Carbon dioxide. These nutrients are provided to the plant by air. The components that make water molecules are hydrogen and oxygen. H2O tells us that water provides plants with hydrogen and oxygen. Soil provides plants with many nutrients. Some of them are required in large quantities by plants while some are required in smaller quantities. The ones which are required in larger quantities are called macronutrients. While the smaller quantity ones are called micronutrients. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulphur are the macronutrient. While Iron, Manganese, Boron, Zinc, Copper, Molybdenum, and Chlorine are micronutrients. So how can we enhance crop production? We must first see to it that the plants get all these nutrients. If nutrients are deficient, then the plant is susceptible to many diseases and it can affect growth as well as reproduction.

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