Irrigation for crops



Water constitutes a major part of the plant body. This water helps plants to transport the nutrients in their body and it is quite important for the growth of the plant. The root helps the plant to absorb water from the soil. It indicates that the moist soil would mean a continuous supply of water to plants. After sowing, seeds need water to germinate and this is precisely why farmers sow seeds before the rains. But if it doesn't rain, how plants can get water? Irrigation is the solution to this problem. The supply of water to crops at specific intervals is known as irrigation. We need to understand that plants need water more than anything else. Water acts as a shield against the extremities of nature like frost. No doubt water is the foremost important to the crop. That is why we will study irrigation as a process of production. Irrigation depends upon the soil type and its frequency depends on the season. During summer soil is a divide into moisture. This is because heat leads to a higher rate of evaporation. That is why we need to irrigate the fields frequently during the summer months. During monsoons, there is a little need for irrigation.

Sources of irrigation


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