Maize/corn cultivation


Maize/corn cultivation

Maize is grown twice a year in spring and autumn. Being a short-lived crop, it can be easily incorporated into crop sequences. Farmers in irrigated areas can take advantage of the following crop sequences depending on their circumstances. The spring corn crop has more light and adequate temperature due to its long days which is beneficial for good crop growth. Due to this, the yield per acre is about 20 to 25 percent higher than the autumn crop. Farmers are advised to change the fields under maize so that the crop is less susceptible to diseases.

Corn hybrid varieties

Hybrid varieties of maize have better productivity because their husks are full of grains till the end. The number of grains in the skin is high and the grains are thick and dense. Their varieties are of medium height, stems and roots are strong which makes them more tolerant of fertilizers and protects them from falling.

Important request for hybrid varieties

In addition to these varieties, hybrid varieties manufactured by international and national companies available in the market are also being cultivated. Farmers are requested to purchase the recommended varieties from the registered dealers of the registered firms and obtain a receipt from them. Also, keep empty bags after sowing so that they can be used in case of any complaint.

Seed rate

The seed rate is 8 to 10 kg per acre. Seeds should be clean, healthy, pure, and more than 90% grown.

Seed poisoning

In the early stages, to protect the seed from the infestation of sap-sucking insects especially shoot fly and to protect the crop from the attack of diseases, the seeds should be treated with Azoxystrobin + Clothianidin 62.5% at the rate of 9 gm per kg seed or Azoxystrobin + Clothianidin + Fludioxonil 72% at 9 gm/kg seed or Imidacloprid + tioconazole 37.25% at 10 ml/kg seed.

Time of cultivation and important factors

  • Change planting time in view of weather change.
  • Sow corn in rainy areas according to the onset of the monsoon.
  • In rainfed and mountainous areas, cultivate early varieties according to their early ripening, keeping in view the post-maize crop.

Selection of land

Heavy clay and deep soil with good organic matter content and good water absorption capacity are suitable for maize cultivation. Sandy, waterlogged, and loamy soils are not suitable for its cultivation.

Preparation of land

Good preparation of the field is essential for good crop growth. If there is a hard layer in the ground, it should be broken. Plow deep for this purpose. Be sure to soil turning plow run for the first time. If possible, it is best to run the soil turning plow one to one and a half months before planting. Make special arrangements for the smoothness of the field as well. It is better to level the ground with a laser land leveler. Plow three to four times to prepare the soil. If the roots or clods of the previous crop are in the ground, run a rotavator to make them thinner.

Sowing method

Maize cultivation can be achieved in the following methods.

Ridge sowing

The best way to grow corn in irrigated areas is to make two-and-a-half feet east-west curves. And immediately after applying light watering, first of all, place seeds one by one on the slope of the ridges. In spring cultivation, place the seed of the southern side (from the sun to morning, the seeds germinate quickly) of the ridges, and in autumn cultivation place the northern side (with less sunshine, the moisture stays longer and the growth is better). In spring corn, cultivate hybrid varieties at 6 inches and common varieties at 7 to 8 inches spacing. In autumn cultivation, cultivate hybrid varieties at a distance of 7 inches and common varieties at a distance of 8 to 9 inches.

Border sowing

In irrigated areas maize is also cultivated on borders. In this method, corn is grown on borders three and a half feet apart. In this case, place corn seed on both sides of the borders.  In autumn cultivation, cultivate hybrid varieties at a distance of 10 inches and common varieties at a distance of 11 to 12 inches. In spring corn, cultivate hybrid varieties at 8 to 9 inches and common varieties at 10 to 11 inches spacing.

Row cropping

In rainfed areas, maize is planted with a drill or planter at a distance of 2.5 feet for good yield. When the crop is 4 to 6 inches tall, remove weak and diseased plants and prune. Keep the distance between plants 6 to 7 in the early mature varieties. For late-maturing varieties keep spacing of 7 to 8 inches between plants and remove the remaining plants.

Irrigation Instructions

  • Keep the crop sown in a smooth field 10 to 12 days after the first irrigation germination while sowing the crop on the ridge till the germination.
  • Do not allow the crop to dry out during flowering, germination, and milking of grains.
  • Reduce the irrigation interval in extreme heat and increase this interval when the temperature decreases.
  • Remove excess water from the field immediately after rain.
  • Do not allow the crop to dry out during germination. In case of water shortage, apply half irrigation. Leave one furrow and apply water to another. This process can only apply to the ridge sowing method. Crops grown on the borders must be irrigated every strip.

Symptoms of nutrient deficiency

Nitrogen deficiency

In case of nitrogen deficiency, the growth of plants stops and the leaves start turning yellow. Older leaves are more affected in case of severe deficiency and later these symptoms appear on new leaves. The yellowness in the leaf starts from the pointed end and goes towards the broad part. Later the leaves turn brown.

Phosphorous deficiency

  • Plant growth stops
  • The root system becomes weak
  • The pointed tips of the leaves turn purple
  • The leaf looks dark green

Potassium deficiency

Initially, in case of potassium deficiency, white marks appear on the leaves which later turn brown.

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