Prevention of major maize diseases

Prevention of major maize diseases

Seed and seedling diseases

Due to this disease, the seed either does not emerge from the ground after germination or after germination, it becomes 3 to 9 inches in size and withers away. Different types of fungi in the soil cause this disease.

Stalk rot

Stalk rot of maize

Stalk rot is a common and dangerous disease. Plant rot usually begins at the bottom. The affected part gives off a pungent smell. The severity of the disease causes the leaves to turn yellow and then wither. The plants rot from the affected area and fall to the ground. In this disease, if the plant does not fall to the ground, the husks hang down and the grains remain small and crushed, which leads to a significant reduction in yield. 
The causes of corn stalk rot are various fungi and bacteria.
  • Erwinia crysanthamae
  • Macrophomia phaseoline
  • Cephalosporium maydis

Method of prevention

  • Cultivate those varieties that have immunity against stalk rot.
  • Balance the fertility of the field and particularly don't allow the deficiency of potassium in the land.
  • Do not overuse nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Don't cultivate maize for the next few years in those fields which have been infected by the disease.
  • Sow the seeds with the recommended fungicide.
  • Destroy the residue as soon as possible after the corn has been harvested.
  • Keep the recommended distance between plants and row distance recommended.
  • Irrigate crops as needed and remove excess rainwater from the field as soon as possible.
  • At any stage of growth, remove and destroy the affected plants, including the roots.

Smut of maize

Smut of maize
The smut of maize is caused by a fungal attack called Ustilago maydis. It is a dangerous disease of maize in the northern regions.

Symptoms of the disease

Invading fungi cause white or black spots (galls) on infected plants. These galls also appear on male parts, plants, and buds. When the galls ripen, the membrane above them ruptures and a black powder containing mold spores appears inside. This leads to a significant reduction in production.

Method of prevention

  • Cultivate those varieties that have immunity against
  • Don't cultivate maize for the next few years in those fields which have been infected by the disease.
  • Destroy the residue as soon as possible after the corn has been harvested.
  • Sow the seeds with the recommended fungicide.

Leaf blight of maize

Leaf blight of maize

Leaf blight of maize is caused by a fungus Helminthosporium triticum and Helminthosporium maydis. The disease not only leads to a significant reduction in crop yields but also a decrease in the quality of fodder for livestock. 

Symptoms of disease

Symptoms of this disease appear on the leaves in the form of small, large brown and white spots which can spread up to 6 inches in length along with the leaves.

Method of prevention

  • Cultivate those varieties that have immunity against
  • Don't cultivate maize for the next few years in those fields which have been infected by the disease.
  • In case of an attack of the disease, spray the recommended poison in consultation with the local staff of the Department of Agriculture

Ear and green rot

Many fungi cause ear and green rot. In which Diplodia maydis, Fusarium sp. Nigrospora oryzae, Penecillium sp. Aspergellus sp. are noteworthy which reduce crop yield, seed quality and their nutritional value. The disease is more or less found in almost every field and the rate of yield loss due to it depends largely on the amount and duration of rainfall. If the rainfall is high during the ripening days of the grain, the rate of decomposition increases. In addition, insects (insects, weevils) and weak stem varieties, which are perforated inside the grain, are also exposed to rain and falling from the wind, leading to increased grain rot. Corn grains that are covered are less affected by the disease.

Method of prevention

  • Do not cultivate weak stems, varieties that fall due to rain and wind.
  • Cultivate varieties that are resistant to corn rot
  • Balance the fertility of the field by adding an adequate amount of fertilizer
  • Control insects that penetrate the grains by spraying the recommended insecticide.
  • Destroy the remaining parts of the plants lying in the field after the endurance of the crop.

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