Groundnut/Peanut cultivation

 Groundnut/Peanut cultivation

Groundnut is an important summer crop in rainfed areas and plays an important role in the economy of local farmers. Its seeds contain 44% to 55% high-quality edible oil, 22 to 30% protein, and 20% starch. In addition to minerals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium, it also contains vitamins B, E, and K. Peanuts are a popular dried fruit and their nutritious use is beneficial for health.  It is also considered an oily commodity.  Being legumes improves soil fertility. 

An important aspect of the peanut crop is that its stems or wines are extremely useful as dry fodder. The use of peanut straw is gaining importance.  Its bales are being exported to Middle Eastern countries, which are also being used as animal feed.  This straw is rich in nutrients and the animals love to eat it.  Due to its sale, the income of farmers is also increasing significantly.  In addition, the employment of the people is increasing due to the impact of its making machine.

Seed Rate

The seed rate for NARC-2019 is 35 kg per acre while for other varieties keeps 40 kg per acre.  Remember that the number of plants should be 40 to 50 thousand per acre.

Selection of seed

Achieving good yields depends on the use of standard seeds.  To grow peanuts, choose seeds that are pure, healthy, and capable of germinating more than 90%. The seeds should not be old and free from diseases and pests.  Do not remove the seed from the beans long before sowing, ie the seeds should not be more than 15 days old as this reduces the vigor of the seed. Remember that nuts should not be weak, raw, sick, or broken.  It is very important that the thin pink skin on the top of the bean is intact.  Seeds with broken or peeled husks lose their ability to germinate.  Remember to sow the seeds with the recommended fungicide thiophenate methyl at the rate of 2.5 grams per kilogram of seed.

Suitable planting time

Peanut seeds require 20 to 30 C for germination and the minimum temperature is required to be 18 C while seed germination is reduced to 33 C.

Suitable climate

The peanut crop grows well in warm humid climates.  It yields better if it rains regularly at intervals during the growth of the crop.  Both of these features are present in the rainy season so the best part of the area under groundnut is rainfed.  Farmers can get higher yields by adopting the guidelines of modern production technology.

Preparation of land

Plow three to four times for good soil preparation.  Plow once for the first time in early February so that rainwater is absorbed into the soil in maximum quantity and stored for a long time. The use of a chisel plow for deep plowing is more beneficial.  Whenever it rains, when the ground is wet, plow twice and give planking. When it is time to plant, apply the recommended amount of fertilizer in the field by drill before final preparation of the soil.  If the drill is not available then plow once and give planking with normal plow.  This process will make the surface of the game smooth, soft, and full and the safe surface will come to the surface which will help in the growth and early development of the crop.

Method of sowing

Cultivate peanuts by hand or in drill rows.  The rows should be spaced one and a half feet apart and the plants spaced 6 to 8 inches apart.  Remember that the seed depth should be 2 to 3 inches.

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